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Blog/ Giveaway

Easy Breakfast With Honey Bunches of Oats

I hate breakfasts. I don’t mind eating them, but for some odd reason I just can’t bring myself to ever cook breakfast– not my thing, never was and probably never will be. I like my mornings to be fast so of course there’s a solution to that! In our Youtube channel we introduced you guys to these great on-the-run snacks, Honey Bunches of Oats Biscuits. These new Honey Bunches of…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Parent-hood/ Travel

Walt Disney World Wednesday (Magic Kingdom AGAIN)

Day 04 & 06 At Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Walt Disney…I think despite everything Walt had imagined, hoped and ambitiously conceptualized, I don’t think he would have imagined how iconic one (1) single theme park could have become. The opening of every Disney movie- [the castle at] Magic Kingdom. Through every tour, we were told that Epcot was Walt’s baby. Magic Kingdom comes with a higher factor for branding.…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Johnson and Johnson Beauty for the Whole Family

Last week I attended yet another Johnson and Johnson event for just us mommy’s. We all know that Johnson and Johnson products are for our children from their lotion to their shampoo and baby powder, but did you ever think that most of their products could be used for us as well? I’m a long time user of the original Johnson and Johnson baby lotion. It’s smell reminds me of my…

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Blog/ Relationships

The Birds and the Bees: Lets Talk About Sex

The birds and the bees. I’m not even at that stage in life to discuss all the sex talk with my daughter, yet here I am speaking on it. Since I started my two Youtube channels I started getting messages from young kids who seeked my advice from boys, school, bullying and even sex, therefore decided instead of just giving that specific person advice why not give it to everyone?…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Relationships

I Hate You Diets

Diets. Diets. Diets. What can I say about them other then I HATE them with all my heart and soul. I was never one to go on diets while in high-school or college, I just always watched what I ate. I was so good at saying no to fast-food; I hadn’t eaten fast food for over a year and a half, use to say no to white rice and drank…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Travel

First Camping Experience with Rangers!

As a child I never went camping and it was never I even thought I’d want to do, until I met my boyfriend. He is the outdoorsy guy who likes to do it all and camping was definitely one of his top faves. I’m one of those people who absolutely love free family events in New York so I’m constantly checking NYC Gov Parks or the Urban Park Registration programs…

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Blog/ Relationships

Timeouts in Relationships

We all know what timeouts are; we’ve been on them or are practicing this now with our children. Timeouts are to give that child some time to think about what they did, calm down and reflex on their actions, it’s even a break for you as a parent, but what about having timeouts in a relationship? Do you put your partner in a time out? I’ve never called not talking…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Travel

Fort Totten Family Excursion!

This past weekend my family just sat around wondering what we were going to do this Memorial Day weekend; we had no plans or trips scheduled. Boredom struck and then my boyfriend suggested why not go to Fort Totten. I had no idea what it was and all he knew was that it was a place built during the Civil War. He loves history and I was intrigued so off…

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