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Blog/ Relationships

Just Another Baby Mama?

Being a mother is beyond amazing. Being a step-mother to a kid that’s not yours? Well it’s hard, but acceptable. How about being another baby mama under a guys belt? And not just a second baby mama– or third, but fourth!? That’s a lot to swallow– well in a case such as that no swallowing happened– ah, forget it. We’re all congratulating Ciara for her pregnancy with the cute long-hair…

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Blog/ Relationships

Public Display Of Affection

I’m no longer into all that cheesy love crap. No, I’m not out of love with love. I just don’t see the constant need to claim my boyfriend in front of the world. We do share pecks here and there, hug and share the occasional spank on the butt, but it’s never at an extreme. Nor do I gush over how amazing he is on a weekly, monthly or even…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

When Is It Too Much Makeup?

Makeup is a wonderful part of every woman’s life. It can bring out your best features and it can completely transform you into a different person. I wear makeup just about everyday. It has become apart of my everyday routine and thankfully even with it off I look the same. Not the same can be said about many other women out there. We all have made fun of those women…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Essential Piece of Clothing

Happy Lovely Thursday All! I decided to write this post and inform you all of a piece that all woman should have in their closest (maybe even men?). A white blouse goes a long way! And literally in my life it has. Wear it alone or under sweaters, with a skirt, jeans, shorts and you’ll be screaming stylish! And not just any white blouse, can’t be cotton– well it can,…

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Blog/ Relationships

Year Of The Side Chicks

Anyone else familiar with that ‘Friends’ episode where Ross and Rachel were on a break? Both took a different meaning to it and Ross ended up sleeping with some girl? That was the end of an era– the huge breakup which broke all of our hearts. There are those women who can never forgive such a betrayal and those, well that are more than forgiving. A break is no longer…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Winter White Lace Dress

Who else went through hell looking for a Christmas outfit? Not I! Not this time at least. I was so happy when I found a great deal for a white laced dress at H&M. It originally retailed for $30 and lowered to $10 due to a rip in the dress no one was smart enough to buy it and patch it up themselves. Well my mother– being the seamstress that…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

I’m Thankful For…

Christmas is finally here– for those that celebrate it on Christmas Eve. There’s a lot to look back on this year and wonder what you did to make it to where you are right now (while you’re reading this). Did you take the right path? Do you regret the decisions you made? Can you look back at yourself and be proud? Were you generous to others? I mean the questions…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

More Babies 2 Fill This Void!

I finally know why some woman have so many children! Z is 18 months and everyday she has made me smile, laugh, mad and cry. Yes, an 18-month-old baby makes me cry. Now it’s not an everyday thing, but once in awhile I get choked up. You sit and wait for your child to hit each milestone and even push for it to happen because them doing something as simple…

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Blog/ Relationships

Reusing Lingerie in a New Relationship?

Women love lingerie and men do too– well some do. We love stacking up on cute and sexy outfits or just bras and panties. And you may also buy specific pieces for your current man, BUT what happens when you have a new man? Do you throw out that lingerie or reuse them? Lingerie isn’t cheap! So I’m all for reusing what you have. Your man isn’t going to know…

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Blog/ Relationships

Lamar Odom– Douchebag of 2013

Talk about the worlds biggest douche-bag of 2013– Lamar Odom. The beloved ex-basketball player (because he’s still not signed yet) and soon to be ex-husband of Khloe Kardashian has taken the reign. I absolutely loved these two, from what we got to see on tv it appeared that they had a great relationship– and maybe they once did. We all know that Lamar Odom has taken a turn for the…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Reuse Old Clothing

There’s nothing better than new clothes and there’s nothing better than adding it to your collection of clothing. When people do spring cleaning or just plain ole cleaning they think they have to throw away the old to make room for the new. No way– at least when it comes to clothing. I have clothes from college that I still wear (5+ years-old). I don’t see why you have to…

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