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Blog/ Lifestyle

Fall Family Photos

Remember that amazing weather we had two weekends ago? Well, my family took advantage and decided to go to Forest Park and shoot some Fall photos. Why not? It was also going to be quite a mission since Z had not napped at all! Risk-taker? I think so 🙂 So upset this photo is blurry, but it’s so funny I had to post it up! He wanted to jump, but…

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Blog/ Giveaway

Comedy Weekends with Jamie Roberts (Giveaway)

I love going to comedy shows and sitting in the front is always a seat I want! Yeah, I’m a rare bread– This past weekend I attended The Late Show with Jamie Roberts at NY Comedy Club and it was beyond hilarious, there’s not even a word that exist for it. I’ve attended Jamie Roberts shows in the past and I always enjoyed myself, so I knew this wasn’t going…

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Blog/ Relationships

Man Divorces Wife For Giving Him Ugly Children

Let’s be real with ourselves shall we? Not every baby is cute and some grow up to be hideous looking adults. It’s a fact. We all have a shallow bone in our body where we instantly think or say “damn she’s ugly” or “how the hell did he get her!?” Doesn’t mean you’re an awful person for having thought it! I’m sure many of you have seen the article and…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Cheetah Fashion

What The F#&%ion!? Getting more into fashion I’ve decided to do more fashion related posts, so here it goes. I’m a cheetah/leopard print fanatic! From my shirts, shorts, purses, bras and underwear. If it’s cheetah/leopard print you better know I will fight you for the piece of item you wear. Cheetah print was everywhere on the runway and it always will be. A hint of cheetah even if its just…

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Blog/ Giveaway/ Parent-hood

Happy Family Organic Superfoods (Giveaway)

Remember how back in September I went to the Fashion Forward Event? I had introduced you all to a few of the brands that were there that day. One of them being Happy Family, the all natural organic foods for kids of all ages. Happy Family was created in 2006 after founder and CEO Shazi Visram watched a friend struggle to find healthy food options for her baby (that didn’t…

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Blog/ Relationships

The War On Pubic Hair

Bare it all? Trim? Au naturel? It’s a question that a friend wondered about regarding women. What do women want to see when the pants come flying off? And what do men want to see? To see or not to see– pubic hair that is. I personally have no real expectations or a true preference when it comes to pubic hair being there. Of course, I don’t want to see…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

A Zombified Halloween

FINALLY! All the issues I had my website which made uploading the site slow has been fixed and I’m back!!! Are you as excited as I am? lol Well, anyhow, Halloween was on Thursday and if you read my Twitter and Facebook posts you’ll know that I’ll have to eventually give up a right or left hand for having it not rain on out parade. I never knew people trick-o-treated…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Pumpkin Picking 2013

FINALLY! After two weeks, the photos and video of my pumpkin picking adventure are here and they’re ready for you to view. There was a huge delay since I had to look for a song to match the video and then it took forever for the original singer to get back to me so I had to use another song and my boyfriend had to edit it since my video…

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Shindigz Party (Giveaway)

Have a birthday coming up? Party? Holiday? Or even a small shindig?? Well you’ll need decorations to bring the theme all together, it’s only right. Sure, you could go to Party City (which I love), but why pay for over-priced items when you can shop in the comfort of your own space and pay half the price? I’ve been a customer of Shindigz back when I would plan the events…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Free Fun Family Halloween Events

My favorite holiday is fast approaching and I’m excited, but not fully. Halloween has become my favorite holiday within the past two years since my boyfriend came into my life. We decorate, go pumpkin picking, carve pumpkins, dress up, trick o’ treat and party, but this year the only thing changing is no fiesta for mommy and daddy since my parents selfishly decided to go on a cruise and won’t…

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Having A Past With A Friend

We all have friends of the opposite sex it’s inevitable. Many girls say that they like being around guys more because they’re not “haters” or “judgmental” etc. which is true. Females are always in competition with one another, unless they’re your friend, but even then some snakes creep through and those friends were never really friends. Guys are fun, honest, loyal– just as girls, but when you need that truth…

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