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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Spring/Summer 2014 Collection (Kenwerks)

You all know my recent fascination with fashion. My eyes have finally been opened to the beauty of clothing and I couldn’t be happier 🙂 So I was thrilled when a fellow blogger/fashionista Lillie Morales Jersey Fashionista invited me to view the Kenwerks Spring Summer 2014 Press Day at Bryant Park hotel last week. I couldn’t be more thankful! I have a few photos and my second edited video by…

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Blog/ Relationships

Rihanna Pour It Video: Trashy or Sexy?

Yes, I’m one of those people who love Rihanna so much that if I were a lesbian or man (because they say she likes both) I’d definitely want to get with her. But, I’m not so I’ll just stay keep her as My Girl Crush. Everything she puts out is always amazing, her raunchiness is sexy and always right, HOWEVER— Her latest video “Pour It,” is beyond trashy and not…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Work With Your Closet

Boots! Boots! Boots! The Fall essential every year are boots; ankle boots, combat boots, booties, hooker boots and my all time fave, over the knee! Now remember how last week I stated that bring your Summer clothing into Winter was very in? Well I did just that adding over the knee boots which made my outfit very fall like. I took my Summer romper (that I’ve had for years) wore…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Giveaway

Sparaj Pampering Box (Giveaway)

Who doesn’t love getting pampered at a spa? The relaxation, massages, oils and scrubs make your body feel renewed and refreshed, it’s something that can’t be topped. However, not many of us can indulge in that so we have to look for alternatives. I was offered the opportunity to become a consumer of Sparaj products. Sparaj is a discovery service to explore new products outside of the US market such…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Secure Your iPhone From Baby

It’s no secret that babies love playing with things that aren’t theirs like our cellphone. This day in age it’s important for kids to know how to function in this technological world we live in so knowing how to work a cellphone is important. I for one do let Ziana on my phone, but sometimes don’t– I mean I can only see my iPhone ensure so much pain in one…

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Email Subscriptions Are Evil

If you sign up now get 25% your whole order. Not just that, but get notified when there are sales and clearances. Sounds like a great idea! Right? No, wrong! Subscribing to be put on a stores mailing list is more of a curse than it is a gift. Sure, you get notified of the store buster deals and midnight sales, but sometimes it’s usually a scheme and I’ve seen…

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The First Date

It’s Friday night and you have somewhat of a blind date. You’ve seen photos of this guy from your friend and have spoken to him constantly through text messages and/or on the phone. So the time has come to meet face-to-face. Your stomach turns, anxiety of what you’re going to wear kicks in, what will he actually look like, what will you guys talk about, consume you so much that…

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Big Foot Lives Upstairs From Me

To rent or to buy? There are pros and cons to both and for now we’re renting, same place for two years. Same neighbors too, great people. Except— our upstairs neighbors. As much as I want to change my crazy ways of being b*#!hy it’s as if the good folks upstairs apparently always want to test me. First year it was a nice girl around my age who always had…

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Blog/ Relationships

The Women’s Movement

The Women’s Movement This is the 22nd century right? I swear I think many women don’t realize this or don’t want to. Now I’m not a mad woman who’s all for the feminist movement, but I do feel a certain way about it. For instance, a female who doesn’t stand up for what they want, how they feel, letting men talk down to them, telling them what to do– not…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

White After Labor Day

I hope you all had a fun weekend as I did! Saturday was my friend’s birthday so we ended up going to her house and celebrating there. I ended up wearing classic black & white, yes white, I’ll speak on that in a second. Lately, I’ve been so into fashion spending my hard-earned– okay my boyfriends hard-earned money, on clothes and shoes because who doesn’t need the necessities in their…

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Will Having A Baby Save A Relationship?

When someone’s in a relationship they usually think about marriage and then having children. All those hopes and dreams you had planned with that special someone can quickly all disappear when the relationship is going sour. One can feel sadness, disappear and probably depression over having put in so many years of hard-work and love and to see that dream not become reality can be hard for anyone. So, one…

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