Here’s a topic I’ve wanted to write about for a while, but obviously haven’t because I needed to gather all my thoughts. Guy trips vs. girl trips– You know where your man or husband, girlfriend or wife have a weekend away with their pals without YOU. Exciting for the one going on this getaway, but not for the other who stays home wondering what’s really going on. I’m all for…
I have a fun event for everyone to attend, but there are three conditions– who can make it to Prospect Park in Brooklyn, don’t have any plans this Saturday the 21st AND love Nickelodeon? Well if you answered yes, no and yes then this is for you! The event is called Nickelodeon World Wide Day of Play, which is encouraging children to ditch all the electronics and do as we…
I honestly believe babies and children wake up crying in the middle of the night, not because they had a nightmare or their bothered for some reason, but because one, they don’t value sleep and two, they truly want to test how much we love them. Will we get up and soothe them? Will we be patient with them during a 3AM wake-up call? Are we even going to get…
Last week the 11th of September I attended the 2nd annual Fashion Forward Conference in Manhattan. Alongside was my mother and my (sarcastic voice) darling daughter Ziana. Out of all days to take the train into the city and walk in 4 inch heels it had to be a sweaty-hot day in NYC. Way to look glamorous, huh? Photo by: bellamybluenyc Anyways, I decided to attend the conference, well because…
I’m a huge fan of “The Talk” on CBS and boy did I miss it when Time Warner and CBS had a cat fight last month. Not only a fan of the show, but of the ladies too. So this week all the ladies have to confess something to the audience, each other and the world about something not many know about. Yesterday, it was Aisha Taylor’s turn and we…
After high-school I went to college and graduated as you’re suppose to do. Get a degree and get a job right after– or so they want you to believe. However, once we’ve accomplished all that we find out the reality– you’re the school’s financial b#!*h for the next 10-20 years and finding a job? Well that’s a job in it itself. I absolutely regret having gone to school for criminal…
I believe a baby monitor is crucial when you have a baby, heck even when there a toddler (why not?). My boyfriend wasn’t in favor of it because he thought it was unnecessary, but he soon realized it was handy and essential. Luckily, for my baby shower my parents gave me the Summer baby monitor. It was big and bulky, which was fine at first, because it’s what I wanted…
About a month and a half ago I wrote a post “Smoothie Diet” where I was diving into a diet I read about from Melissa Mesiter who tried it and creator Harley Pasternak. As soon as I saw how amazing Melissa Meister looked after her baby boy I knew I had to follow– which I did. First four days were three smoothies: Breakfast: 5 raw almonds 1 red apple 1…
I’ve often complained about how today’s youth is completely different from when I grew up. For instance, we were masters of imagination– making up games and playing outside where we explored nature and got scraped up. Now, technology is everywhere that you no longer see kids playing outside, rather sit inside play video games or sit on their phones all day. I always said it was a negative and still…
Football season is coming soon! How do I know? Well I haven’t been able to shut my boyfriend up about it. When football comes around it’s like adding a new member to your family your schedule is now dictated by the teams schedule. Grandmas got a birthday this Sunday? Nope, no can do because the niners are playing. Yeah, we’re a niners family. Now as the girlfriend or wife of…
I’ve been out of the gym for a week due to remodeling which means the daycare is closed and in turn means that there’s nowhere for Ziana to go while I go blow off some steam and pump some iron. Who would’ve known I would’ve actually missed the gym!? I missed the sweat and feeling that I lost a ton of weight after a workout. Luckily, I was able to…