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Who can’t stand their mother-in-laws? I’m sure there’s about more than half of people who have their hands raised. Now, who adore their mother-in-laws? Me and perhaps 10% of other people. Haha. Sure, she’s technically not my mother-in-law by marriage, but I have a kid with her son, so it’s just the same 🙂 Lets face it when you’re dating someone you’re not only in a relationship with them you’re…

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Potty Training Too Early?

I’m potty training Ziana. Yeah, I got the same looks and questions about why I think it’s necessary to potty a train a then 13 month old. Well why not? There’s really no correct age to potty train your child many believe that by 2-3 years of age is the more appropriate age, but why do you want to wait when they’ll have more free will to do what they…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog/ Parent-hood

Moms Can Still Be Sexy!

Why do many women feel that once there a mother they need to completely change? For instance their looks and wardrobe. Of course, I’m not condoning a mother to wear booty shorts or a plunging neck line t-shirt with no bra on while walking with their child, but the sexiness of them gets completely swept under the rug. There just isn’t effort put forth towards your outward appearance. And you…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Fall Fashion Approaching

With summer coming to an end, I’m sure all my ladies out there are shopping– or will be shopping for fall clothing. But what’s in and what’s hot? Well I’m here to help and learn with you 🙂 left to right: Alexander Wang, Proenza Schouler, Theyskens’ Theory Their saying grays are in, but when isn’t it? Anyways, all shades are gray are in. Of course designers always put together wacky…

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MTV VMA’s 2013

The best awards show of the year finally arrived and it had a number of people’s excited. The VMA’s are always knows for their exciting and surprising performances so I made sure Ziana was asleep before it started and there were no interruptions. However, that didn’t happen– So here are my views on the performances and some of the regular celebrities who were just present. Austin Mahone? Someone who is…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Salmon Dish

I love experimenting with new recipes all the time so when I saw my friend post up a delicious looking meal on her Instagram I just needed the recipe. So thanks to my friend Amalcious (as I call her) I bring to you a salmon dish you will be sure to love! [youtube][/youtube] INGREDIENTS: • Salmon • Dill weed • Thyme leaves • Adobo • Sazon • Mayonnaise 1- Smear…

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Blog/ Relationships

Limits For The Paparazzi?

We are all familiar with the paparazzi. We see their ‘work’ or as I call it stalking featured in gossip magazines everywhere we go. The life of a celebrity lures us to pick up the filth published in those magazines and we eat it all up. Whether it’s true or false we don’t really care. And with the help of the paparazzi we’re able to see what goes on in…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

My Mini Vacation

As you may have noticed I only posted three times last week because I really didn’t have any time to write, research and take a moment to myself to think about what’s going on in my head, haha. Reason being was that my boyfriend was on vacation last week and being the outdoorsy kind of guy he is we were out everyday ALL DAY! Fun! Yet, exhausting. We ended up…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Human Trafficking/ Baby Sellers

I’m sure many of you know that I’m very passionate when it comes to keeping your child safe and out of harms way in every way possible; sexually, physical and mentally. Horror stories involving children always make me weep and I’m sure it hits many of you just as hard. As painful as these stories of children being abused, kidnapped or murdered, are I’m always right there gaining information and…

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Plastic Surgery For Your Palm Readings

I wonder what my life will bring in the near and far future. I’m sure everyone wonders that very same thing. What is our fate? Well just to make sure it’s a fate you’ll be in agreement with the Japanese have a new plastic surgery trend that will alter your fate. Yes, plastic surgery could do that according to the Japanese. We’ve all gone to palm readers who take our…

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My Girl Crushes

I love men. Always have and always will. However, I’ve also had girl crushes, which isn’t exactly what men think it is. I’m sure many women have girl crushes on other girls without it being sexual. Girl crushes are mostly a kind of admiration you have for another woman. Whether it be their personality, laugh, body, morals, or so on that could easily attract you to someone who you wouldn’t…

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