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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Going Commando

Who hates panty lines? Me! So I understand when many women decide to go commando– it’s sexy, way more comfortable and convenient, but I think there’s a time and place for it that many don’t know about. Thongs are great. I’m a great thong-fanatic, but even those get uncomfortable and the panty lines on those (which is minimal) is still annoying. And I must admit I have thought about giving…

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Secrecy in Relationships

Someone please explain to me why when in a relationship people are still secretive with hiding their phones or keeping passwords especially that you don’t know? I can’t talk about my current relationship because we have each others passwords to all social media and emails. Why? Just because. It’s not like we sat down one day and said I want your passwords to this, that and the third, we just…

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‘The Real’ Talk Show

Can we all get ‘Real’ right now? I’ve discovered the best talk-show to watch every afternoon, whether it be live on your TV set or on DVR, trust you will enjoy it as much as me. I’m not a huge channel Fox viewer, but for some reason I stumbled upon five ladies gossiping about life on their première (which I didn’t know beforehand). The show is called ‘The Real.” It…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Wedding Day Photography

From my post two weeks ago, “Wedding Guest Woes,” you all know I was going to attend a wedding. That wedding was Friday and I had a blast! The bride was gorgeous, the groom was handsome, everyone dressed beautifully and the party was mucho fun! With food, music and liquor what could go wrong? We decided to take Ziana with us for a couple of hours and had my aunt…

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Renaming Parts Of NYC To Sound Better

Looking for a new, affordable, up and coming area to move to? Well in New York City we have plenty new areas: •SpaHa •SoBro •SoWash •NoBat Don’t know what those abbreviations stand for? Well let me help you break it down: •SpaHa (Spanish Harlem) •SoBro (South Bronx) •SoWash (South of Washington Heights) •NoBat (North of the Battery Tunnel) Now if you’re from New York I’m sure you choked on your…

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Fast Food Employees Strike, Really!?

Just a little history on me– I use to work at McDonald’s back when I was 14-years-old up until maybe I was 16? Not sure. But I absolutely loved it! For a teen to work, get paid, spend their own money and eat McDonald’s all the time? It was the greatest job ever!!! At that age we don’t look at the minimum wage that was about $7 to be extremely…

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Unplug (Short Film)

So the short film I was in back in April is finally up to watch (Unplug Short Film Post)! I was truly fortunate to be given the opportunity to work with director/producer Edward Charette. I had never worked with him so he didn’t know what kind of person/actor I was. I could’ve been a late, obnoxious, no-show kind of gal, which I’m not and didn’t do any of that, but…

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Loving More Than One Person

Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? Absolutely. I think we’ve all had a similar situation at least once in our lives where we’ve been in a relationship with someone we love, yet still love an ex. Is the current boyfriend a rebound? Well– not necessarily. Is it even fair to be in a relationship when your still desiring someone else? No, but…

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Blog/ Relationships

What About Weiner?

I’m not one to speak on politics because one I don’t care much for it and two it’s always a slippery slope among people. But here’s a topic I don’t mind putting my two cents in– sex and Weiner. Candidate Weiner is running for mayor once again since his last incident in 2011 where we all saw his weiner splashed over the media. Due to that incident he was forced…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Daycare Safety at Gyms

As you may know I’ve been actively going to Lucille Roberts for a few months now and have enjoyed my experience there thus far. The reason I had joined was due to the cheap monthly cost and the daycare facility they had on site. Well the daycare facility might not be so great. You see a few weeks ago I contacted someone at Lucille Roberts about the daycare. When I…

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Wedding Guest Woes

Ah, weddings– a beautiful day to enjoy yourself around a couple who have decided to live in each others hell for the rest of their lives. Quite magical if you ask me 🙂 Free party, free food, free DJ to play your favorite hits, life can’t get any better! Then you think about it and it’s not free at all! You had to buy a bridal gift, splurge a bit…

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