Late night video I put together of my cheetah girl and me 🙂 Hopefully, I’ll do more! [youtube width=”500″ height=”400″][/youtube]…
Who likes a nice tall glass of water? Or a tall glass of milk? How about breast-milk!? I remember back during the Jerry Springer days — where kids would cut school to watch the raunchy show, there was an episode once where this woman stripper would let her clients drink her breast milk! Don’t ask me how this came to mind, but it did. So I decided to take it…
When you’re trying to lose weight you do just about anything to lose it– or– you’re just one of those people who just think of being thin and healthy , but don’t do anything to change. I’ve been going to the gym for two months now and enjoy it. I have seen some changes and it helps me have control when it comes to not wanting to indulge on a…
Finally I have some answers for all you who have wondered and asked about who the father’s are to the women from “Pregnant & Dating.” If you still haven’t seen an episode not only have you missed out, but the season finale is fast approaching. Luckily, for you they’ll be airing all episodes before the big finale. Now let’s get to the juicy details! I wasn’t able to get the…
Aren’t we all a bit obsessed with weight? We may be skinny and ‘perfect’ just like society wants, but we still find something wrong with ourselves. Ever wonder where that feeling of wanting to be skinny meant perfection? Of course it comes from a slue of things– media, peers, family– and even the toys we played with. For instance growing up I played with these beautiful long blonde haired, pin-thin,…
She was known to be one of Americas sweetheart. Her career started on Nickelodeon. If you’re in your twenties you grew up watching her show. Anyone get it? It’s none other then the girl we use to adore– Amanda Bynes. Now we all know her as a nutcase that no one can figure out. Is she on drugs? Did she fall and bump her head? Or is this really who…
This weekend Z had some beach fun! My family goes to Rockaway Beach since it’s closer to us. Ziana loved the pool the weekend before so we were sure she’d enjoy herself at the beach. And it was mixed reviews lol. It was that laugh or cry kind of moment where she looked at us for reassurance on how to feel. Here is what we bought for Ziana to make…
Hope everyone has a good and eventful day!!!!!! Be safe out there on the roads 🙂…
I am no expert when it comes to exercising. I hate the gym, but continue to go because in some weird way I actually don’t hate it all that much. What I’ve seen is that many women don’t know how to exercise or know what machine is used for what. I am one of them or at least was one of them. Some quick tips before I get started: 1.…
Who likes douchebags? Not I! And I’m sure not you. Well let me enlighten you all to the greatest douchebag if you didn’t know– William Adams aka is a huge one! Not only has he stolen song after song from hard-working individuals, but now this 55,000 record selling loser (album which came out in April) has upped the ante. William has been constantly sending the talented producer Pharrell Williams…
I never understood why so many people were opposed to “stop and frisk” by police. Is it an inconvenience? Yes. Especially when you’re late to an appointment or class or date. But one of the most controversial issues citizens have is when you’re stop and frisked for no reason. I can’t speak from experience because I’ve never been stopped and frisked, but have had a friend or two who were.…