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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog/ Parent-hood

Sunblock for Yourself & Baby

We all know that too much sun exposure is bad for you. We also know that sunblock should be used to lower the possibility of skin cancer, getting burned and aging not so gracefully. But do we listen? No. I was always one that didn’t care much about my skin. Guilty! All I cared about was getting tanned, but after my recent “tanning” incident where I put on tanning lotion…

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Bachelorette Party (Atlantic City)

With sunburn all over my body I come to bring my experience of how it went at Harrah’s in Atlantic City. Was it fun? Absolutely. Did I miss my family? Without a doubt. Harrah’s hotel was nice. The casino area was nice, as were the rooms. We were lucky enough to find a groupon deal and ended up paying less than what they usually charge. Friday night we ate at…

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Bachelorette Party Ideas

This weekend I’m preparing to leave my sweet little cheetah girl, aka Buddha belly aka baby Z aka Ziana (I have many more names for her but I’ll stop there lol), for the weekend while I indulge in a girls weekend for my friends bachelorette party. We aren’t going anywhere far just hanging in Atlantic City. It’s going to be a typical weekend nothing crazy– eat, tan, party and drink.…

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Front Facing Vs. Rear Facing Car Seat

Ziana and her friend two days ago It’s a controversial topic– rear-facing (RF) car seat vs. front-facing (FF) car seat. I didn’t know there was such fuss over the topic. The only thing I knew was that RF is the safest for your child, but didn’t know why or that other parents would give you the side eye and be angrily against it for even mentioning FF car seat for…

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Giveaway/ Lifestyle

Huggies Snug & Dry (Giveaway)

This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Bloggers Connect and Huggies®. Babies R’ Us has provided me with a $50 gift card to supply to one reader for a giveaway. I have been financially compensated to provide my opinion and review of the products. Even though I received compensation for this post, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the products. The views and…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Sassy Baby Product (Review)

Sassy baby products ‘love to have fun and take child and take product development seriously.’ I would’ve believed that statement if one of their products didn’t falter– so cute right!? Look at the hole– Lets squeeze some of that material out into a bowl shall we? I don’t think that’s safe at all! Lets cut it open now– This is what came out into my daughters bath! Her favorite bath…

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Forever Tango (Giveaway)

Two years ago my boyfriend and I walked through Central Park and we ran into a group of people waiting around. We stopped and asked what was going on and were told that there were free tango classes. Free tango classes!? Who doesn’t like free!? We waited for the class to begin and joined in on the lesson. We fell in love and went for next three Sundays in a…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Jaywalking Mom Kills Son–

Who hasn’t jaywalked right? We all have. We all jaywalk because we like to save time. And although we know it’s a crime (at least some of us do) we continue to do it without thinking of the possible repercussions. I jaywalk to a certain extent, but never to the extreme where there’s massive oncoming traffic or I’m hanging the stroller out on the street while I’m safe on the…

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Blog/ Home/ Lifestyle/ Ziana

Ziana’s Safari Birthday Party!

As you know this past weekend was Baby Z’s birthday and party! I finally found the energy to edit all 316 photos and can post them up now. The past few weeks I kept getting stressed out due to the weather– it said would rain, then it wouldn’t, it would be scattered or 20% chance of rain. The forecast was all over the place! Stressed out, that’s all I could…

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Blog/ Relationships

Pregnant & Dating

Has anyone heard of or seen the new WE reality show “Pregnant & Dating?” Prior to the show airing a couple of weeks ago there was a bunch of negative talk on the show and those women. I didn’t have many judgements towards the show, which is unlike me because I usually always have a mouth full to say! The title itself just makes you wonder what happened to the…

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Blog/ Home/ Lifestyle

Planning a Party or Event–

Event planning is always fun although stressful, it’s usually a fulfilling feeling when you see the completed masterpiece and all your hard work coming to a finish. I use to do some of the parties at my old job so I’ve gained some knowledge on what it takes to put an event together. The next one I had to conquer was my little Buddha Belly’s first year fiesta!!! At first…

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