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Blog/ Parent-hood

Kim Kardashian & Pregnancy Mistakes

I don’t think anyone really likes the KarTRASHian, sorry I meant Kardashian family–Freudian slip. We love to hate them (most of them) because their so easy to hate. Who actually likes self-absorbed, money-grubbing pimps? Yes pimps. In any case, that’s not what this post is about. We’ve all seen how much Kim Kardashian is OBSESSED with plastic surgery; Botox, lip-injection, breast augmentation and maybe some booty shots (which is debatable).…

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Beats By Dre (Neon Mixr)

Have any of you seen the new Neon Mixr Beats By Dre headphones promoted by no other than the fabulous David Guetta? If you haven’t then it’s clear you’ve been living under a rock! But since I’m so nice here is the commercial so you know what I’m talking about: [youtube width=”400″ height=”280″][/youtube] I have some experience with these headphones. My boyfriend, being an audiophile always drags me along in…

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Social Media and Kids

What age is appropriate for a kid to have a social media account? A few years back– during my time it wasn’t something kids really had and if they did their parents got the raised eyebrow look. Now, since we’re in a society where kids act like adults it’s somewhat more acceptable. Acceptable for that era, but still a bit questionable for the older folks. I’m not old, but I…

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A Happy Birthday?

My birthday is today– and no one cares, not even me. There comes a time in your life that when getting older and celebrating another year just isn’t fun. Especially when you have a kid. Who really and truly celebrates a closer year to getting crankier, filling up your head with gray hairs, not being able to see clearly when shaving, getting extra wrinkles and way too much more to…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Lucille Roberts

It’s been a month since I signed my soul over to the gym and I semi-love it. I was shopping around for gyms and either they were too expensive or didn’t have a daycare. Eventually, Lucille Roberts on Forest Hills, Queens got note of it and whispered my name– When I initially contacted them over the phone I was told that it was $15 a month, no activation fee and…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Memorial Day in Central Park

Memorial Day Weekend was a drag! It was windy and rainy. It caught us all by surprise when Monday came around and it was actually hot and sunny. I was super excited and decided to go to Central Park with the family. We took the subway in and just walked all around. Definitely liked the idea of not driving in, looking for parking and having to walk all the way…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Gross Gym Germs (Prevention)

The gym is an infested pool of germs! Although, it’s a great way to stay fit don’t think it’s completely safe. Lets talk about gross gym germ… I started going to Lucille Roberts three weeks ago and was told what I would need to buy. Buy? I had sneakers and work-out clothes what else did I need? Think about it– you jump on a machine or mat that someone else…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Mens Fashion Gone Bad

What The F#&%ion!? No way, no how can we as a society allow for men to dress in women’s clothing while being a straight man. Leave our closets alone unless you’re hiding in it for reasons we shouldn’t know about. Femme fashion for men is not cute and most certainly is not sexy. Exhibit one: Or more like exhibit 1, 2, 3, and 4– What in the fashion world is…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 17

Jodi Arias finally took the stand and spoke to the jury. All the questions about what she was going to say were answered– although late since court starting late, it was answered. Tears? Oh no. Sorrow for what she did? Who are we kidding? Apology for killing Travis? We’re not at a comedy show guys, come on. Get real. The whole 19 minutes of her testimony was all about her…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 16

As if it couldn’t get any crazier in the life of Jodi Arias. The girl has already stated she wanted to get the death penalty, yet we’re still here why? No one knows and I’m sure we won’t get our questions answered for a long while. Last week Travis’ brother and sister took the stand and poured their hearts out about how their lives have changed dramatically. It was extremely…

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Blog/ Relationships

Dipping In the Lesbian Pool

“Been there, done that, got the T-shirt… I might end up with a woman raising my children. … That’s how androgynous I am,” Zoe Saldana states on dating Hollywood men in the June issue of Allure. It definitely rose some eyebrows including mine when those words came out her mouth. Who would’ve known that Zoe could be bisexual. It wasn’t a shocker because at this day and age being gay,…

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