This weekend I hung out with a childhood friend, Daniela, who is married with no kids. It was great catching up and talking about the old days. I left Ziana with daddy since she had been a huge pain the past three days. While Daniela spoke I realized how different our lives were and started to wonder if it wasn’t for Ziana how different my life would be. Would I…
People always ask, “when do you plan on going back to work?” Um, as if being a stay-at-home parent wasn’t work! People don’t see raising a child as work and I totally understand because I use to be one of those people. What’s so hard about staying home with someone you love? Well there’s plenty to the job description then just “staying home.” I miss the days I’d get to…
Read all about it! People magazine has finally released “The World’s Most Beautiful Woman” issue and we are all so excited! Because who doesn’t wait for this issue to come out every year? Well I– don’t, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t peek my interest when they name that “IT” person. Unfortunately, it was someone everyone hates according to a recent poll taken by Star Magazine-/ and results showed that…
Yes, that’s right, condom challenge anyone? If you haven’t heard there’s a new trend going on among these dumb kids. This is where you take a condom, roll it out, snort it through one of your nostrils and pull it out your mouth. Read it again if you must, I’ll wait… What satisfaction does this exactly bring? Has to be some kind of high, but nope that’s not it. They’re…
First off let me start off by saying I apologize for all my fellow Hispanics in advance. I say this because I am truly embarrassed when I see this– I said Hispanics and couldn’t find one picture of us doing it, lol, but I know you have all seen it! All types of parents for some reason think it’s okay for a child over the age of 4 to still…
Moving into your own place is a very scary yet exhilarating feeling you go through when taking the next big step in life. I always dreamed about moving to my place when I saved up enough money. And saved I did which was more than enough, but no matter how much money I had it was never enough so that opportunity slipped through my hands, haha. I never did live…
What the f#&%ion!? Talk about making pregnancy look amazing and have you think about getting knocked up– maybe not entirely, but it gets you thinking! Halle Berry’s second pregnancy hasn’t slacked on her fashionista ways one bit. At first the sheer top on the end was a bit too, but after a minute or two I said “F*#k it! Why can’t a pregnant woman embrace her sexiness?” I absolutely love…
Changing diapers use to be an easy task– place baby down, take off clothes, wipe and put new diaper on. That was all– no fuss, no tears, just an easy and calm baby. I was forewarned by my sister-in-law who said, “just wait till she can crawl she won’t be staying still.” Of course I was naïve to think my daughter would do such a thing! Before being an active…
The old-time question whether or not having a friend with benefits is well, beneficial or is it just a line you don’t cross? I’ve had a friend with benefits in the past and can say that I actually had a good experience with it. However, many people don’t which is why it leaves a sour taste in people’s mouth when the subject is bought up. The reason my experience went…
What The F#&%ion!? Let’s continue with Spring/Summer trends– Clockwise from top left: Stella McCartney, Loewe, Jonathan Sanders, Christopher Kane Bomber jackets! Basically short jackets which is tightly covered with elastic bands on your waist. Not too much of a fan of the big bulky white ones, but you get a smaller size and you’re good to go. Of course designers always put their own nicks into it to make their…
What an eventful way to start the week by acting in a short film in the beautiful New York City. As you may know I’m in the midst of building up my acting resume to get my reel together and submit to more projects. Although it was a bit cold it didn’t bother me or the other actors much since we had a blast filming with producer Edward Charette of…