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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

What The F#&%ion!?

(Left to right- Alexander Wang, Jason Wu, Marc Jacobs) Did we really need these designers to tell us that black and white is always in all year round? No, but it’s always, okay well usually great to see pieces out together or disasters coming together and calling it “fashion.” Here we go again with the oversized unflattering outfit by Alexander Wang and then topping it off with a weird-looking messengers…

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Lifestyle/ Parent-hood

Mommy Rant

Lately Ziana has been a pain in the ass within the last week. It started when she started waking up at 7:30AM, granted for any parent that’s good, but not for me! Also, she’s been moody, real clingy and mischievous. Can I catch a break!? Haha. I’m so in love with this kid I’d do anything, but waking up at 7:30 is not something I’m up for especially when I…

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A Mommy & The Subway

Boy am I enraged after yesterday’s adventures! The day before yesterday I was emailed about a casting for babies to go to for MAM baby products– exciting! Ziana’s first casting and a great baby product to represent, I was thrilled. I originally had another casting to go for myself, but canceled because this was priority. Now before I get to the issue I’m ranting about I just want to let…

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Bow Out Bey

Those that know me know that I curse like a truck driver (something that I need to work on). I don’t mind when people curse much less when I hear it in songs. Therefore people making a fuss of Beyonce’s singing “b*#tches” in her new song “Bow Down/ I Been On” doesn’t phase me at all. What does get me a bit p*ssed off is the song in general. I…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

What The F#&%ion!?

Continuing with or weekly “What The F#&%ion!?” I bring you more of Spring 2013… Another of Springs fashion trend is “Cutouts.” I’m all about showing some skin– sometimes a bit much anyways I’m in love with the cutout looks. Left to right– Sass&Bide, Reem Acra, Versace, Vivienne Westwood. First off let me give a high-five, kiss on both cheeks and a smack on the butt to Sass & Bide and…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 12

Expert witness for the defense, psychologist Richard Samuels continued to take the stand for the defense and today the prosecution was able to question him as well. Last week the world found out that Arias had PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) that caused the “fog” of memory loss Arias has been claiming which prevents her from recalling details of the slaying. At first I was surprised that the defense was able…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2013

This past weekend was the St.Patricks Day Parade! It was a new experience and lots of fun. I never went to the parade before because I’m not Irish nor cared for it, but since Ziana is half Irish I need to make sure she’s connected with both her Irish side and Peruvian side. I enjoyed the parade very much– well of what I got to see. It wasn’t like other…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Ziana

Happy Saint Patricks Day!

I was hours away from not being able to put up the photos I did of Ziana today. You see my genius boyfriend decided to mess with the computer and ended up messing it up so now we’re waiting for some CD to arrive in order to reboot it. With no computer there’s no way I can edit them. Thankfully, I borrowed a friends computer and worked my magic there.…

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Love Her, Love Her Not

The simple ways to her heart…. 1. Give her your PIN number to your phone. 2. Give her a draw in your room for her things. Just enough for underwear, bras, jeans and a couple of shirts. 3. Making a reservation for dinner instead of just showing up at a restaurant– planning means commitment. 4. Being there when she wakes up. Enough with the sneaking out! 5. Speak to whoever…

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Blog/ Home/ Lifestyle

Planning A First Birthday

So my little Buddha-belly finally turned 9-months last week! Yay! It’s exciting to see how much she’s grown, but then I remember I’m three months away from celebrating her first birthday (sigh). If I thought my life was stressful already it was only going to be worse. Ziana’s first year of life needs to be celebrated in a big way– any child’s first needs to be. After that it’s going…

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