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Dating Coworkers

I think this a topic people always discuss– dating coworkers. Is it right or wrong? No one cares, I surely never did! Every job I had from 16 to 24 I always was seeing a coworker or manager. I don’t agree at all when people say that it’s a bad idea to date a coworker, of course with the good comes the bad, but it’s a chance you have to…

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My Love 4 Alcohol

Let me start off by saying I’m not an alcoholic. I’m not a recovering alcoholic either. Jeez, before Ziana I didn’t care for alcohol. That all changed while I was pregnant, yes pregnant no need to re-read that. For some odd reason many women crave things they’ve never been into until they got pregnant. For instance on Babycenter I read how many women were craving marijuana while they were pregnant…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

What The F#&%ion!?

I’m still rolling with the Spring 2013 fashion, get ready ladies and gents! Learn with me what fashion really is from the crazy to the wow’s. The Bedroom Eyes look is so sexy it puts your Grandmas lingerie to shame. Boudoir was definitely a show stopper during Mercedes-Benz Fashion week. Vera Wang’s blue outfit is a must in my imaginary walk-in closet or I’ll take Donna Karan’s all blue sheer…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 11

Thank goodness for the law in Arizona! Reason being the jury is able to ask questions! Questions that seem to be a lot better than what the state has asked. These are only a few of what I have heard myself and from HLN. Some are not verbatim they are very close to what was asked and questioned. Others may be shortened or not answered– sorry. Did you pay for…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Second Pregnancy Part 2

Last week I wrote a post about “Second Pregnancy” and how I felt about a second pregnancy soon after your first pregnancy. You can read the post yourself, but to sum it up I said it wasn’t a great idea. Then I spoke on how I might be pregnant! Here is the update… After speaking to my friends I was getting more nervous so I turned to my handy iPhone…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Pretzel Crisps Part 2

Time for my review on the covered chocolate and peanut butter Pretzel Crisps I promised you guys! First runner-up, White Chocolate and Peppermint Flavor– I love white chocolate and candy canes so I was pretty sure I’d enjoy it. Thankfully, the taste wasn’t overwhelming and didn’t leave a nasty taste, it was actually delicious. Then it was the Dark Chocolate and Peppermint. I’ve recently become a fan of dark chocolate…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Natural Supplements

I absolutely hate diets and eating right is a job within itself. My diet has gotten better not much fried foods, no beef, no more McDonalds and such. Then there’s working out (sigh) what a drag! Why couldn’t I be one of those lucky people who have a fast metabolism!? I do workout, but after 20 minutes I’m doner than done. So I needed that extra boost to help my…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 10

Once cross-examination was done with Jodi Arias I think we all got bored. Jodi’s defense team has done nothing on redirect examination and have just repeated the same thing over and over. On Monday (3/4/13) something sleazy the defense did was play the sex recording, but with a remix– only playing all the dirty things Travis said and nothing of what Jodi said. Oh and before I forget it was…

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Blog/ Parent-hood/ Relationships

Missing Girls, Model Mayhem May Be The Link

I’m still surprised from all the crimes that have happened online and those cases that have been nationalized on the news people are still oblivious to the dangers of meeting people online. You and I call these people dumb, but the correct word is naive. People don’t know any better and never experienced the risks that happen when going into a situation blinded. Not saying I’ve ever experienced it, but…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

What The F#&%ion!?

I think we’re all into fashion in some way, but most of us don’t really know about how fashion works or what it really is. So here are my interpretations of the sometimes crazy fashion that’s presented to us. According to The Fashion Spot these “Bermuda Shorts” are Springs trendiest look. How are the jean Bermuda shorts fashionable? I don’t know how. All I see is an unflattering piece of…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 9

“I don’t know…” “I don’t remember…” “Ummm…” This is what comes out of Jodi Arias’ mouth every time she answers a question, it’s rather annoying. I wasn’t able to see or hear the whole trial today, but caught pieces here and there. Also HLN recapped me on a ton of what I missed, so here I am recapping it for you. Jodi admitted to Martinez that she took the rope,…

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