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Second Pregnancy…

When I first heard that Jessica Simpson was pregnant with her second child just 7-months after the birth of her first child I bluntly said, “what an idiot!” Then I remembered well she’s not the average middle-class American so I took my statement back– sort of. I also thought it wasn’t fair for her first child to now share mommy and daddy with another baby. I strongly believe babies should…

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My Attention Deficit Disorder

When I was young I was always in trouble– if I wasn’t in trouble with my parents I was in trouble with the teachers. I always had a hard time staying still, staying quiet when I needed to or keeping my hands to myself. I was a problem child and was hard to manage (my poor parents). I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) at about the age of…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 8

Day 10 of Jodi Arias being on the stand– today was kind of boring. I was still determined to rush home and watch the trial. It started off with what Jodi did after she killed Travis, or better said who she met with after the killing. Jodi states it was Ryan Burns. It got sort of confusing when she said she hadn’t planned on visiting him at all it was…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Pretzel Crisps

I was really excited when I got my package of Pretzel Crisps owned by Sara and Warren Wilson, in the mail. And it wasn’t just a small package, but a huge package with a variety of flavors! I couldn’t wait to dig in. On top of my package I also got a very nice Valentine’s Day note– how thoughtful. Now we all love pretzels, but as for me ill have…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 7

Juan Martinez (prosecution) opens up with a picture of Jodi and her “dumb” sister. Juan Martinez asks Jodi if that is indeed a picture of her and her “dumb” sister. Jodi states her sister isn’t dumb, Juan says that’s not what you said yesterday in the phone conversation with Travis. Jodi says yes I called her “dumb and stupid.” Umm that’s not what he asked and Juan states that exactly.…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 6

Finally after days of hearing Jodi Arias talk about how “hard” her life was and how many men she went through we get to the day of the murder, June 4, 2008. Jodi states that the day of the murder her and Alexander had sex and she doesn’t remember, but one of them put the sheets in the washer. Also they had both taken provocative photos of each other and…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Brown Rice and Salmon Recipe

Many people know that after having a baby it’s hard to get the weight off– this of course doesn’t apply to famous people. I was 110lbs before Ziana and during my pregnancy I had gained about 28lbs equaling to 138lbs. Now after 8 months I’m at 120lbs. I like the weight I’m at I have hips and ass which is great, however, my stomach is where the problem area lies.…

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Is Cooking The Way To A Man’s Heart?

Cooking is the way to a man’s heart? I definitely disagree! Before my boyfriend I didn’t know how to cook. The men before him and even him knew that and didn’t care much. It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t know how to season meat, cook rice or how to fry food– it was my mother’s fault! The whole time I lived with my parents I was never taught. I…

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Blog/ Relationships

Sex & Television

Where are the penis’? I’m so sick of the lack of penis presence in movies and shows. Seriously. I don’t mind looking at all the different size breasts us woman carry or I guess even the vagina (once in a while), but I’d like to also see what the men are packing. It’s just not fair. Men can see all these naked woman running across our television sets and fantasize…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Ziana

Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!

With another holiday here of course you know my little Buddha belly Ziana had to have a shoot done by me! I ended up shooting at my parent’s house since the lighting is way better than in my house. I purchased everything that was used in the shoot at Michael’s– headband, plates, white board, and heart decors. The outfit Ziana has on which says, “Daddy’s Little Valentine” was purchased at…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 5

Oh what a day in court it was for Jodi Arias! As many of you have heard last week there was no court on Thursday (2/7/13) because both the prosecution and defense were in a dispute with the judge about whether or not to put into evidence that Travis may have liked little boys. Of course they have no physical evidence just Jodi’s word. Defense stated that prosecution had months…

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