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Blog/ Lifestyle

Super Bowl 2013

The Super Bowl is a yearly tradition for all American families. This year it’s the 49ers vs. The Ravens– San Francisco vs Baltimore. Having a boyfriend who’s a 49ers fan since he was a kid I and Ziana have no choice but to be a fan too. Regardless of who I’m rooting for this post isn’t about that. It’s about how to throw a spectacular Super Bowl party on Sunday!…

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Blog/ Relationships

Couples Counseling, Before Marriage?

Within the last week or so there were reports that the beautifully talented Sofia Vergara and her fiancéboyfriend, Nick Loeb were seeking couples counseling before walking down the aisle. They were engaged, but apparently a few hours ago there are reports that they broke up. Anyways, people wonder if they need couples counseling is it even a smart idea to consider marriage? I’m sure I’m not the only one who…

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Gotcha’ Gizmos

I’m not technological person at all, but it’s very cool when inventors come out with the next best thing. Although, I still believe at times technology takes away from the good old times where everything wasn’t so easy and the struggle was appreciated later in life– technology today is amazing! For instance, Vuzix and google are teaming up to bring the most innovative piece of technology that even gives the…

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Blog/ Relationships

Old Horny Men

I think we all have in one point in our lives dated a person who was older than us, but what is too old? We all have the right to fall in love and age shouldn’t matter, but we can’t help but to gawk in disgust when we see a way younger girl with a man who looks like their grandfather. My first victim– Mary-Kate Olsen (26) and her 42-year-old…

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The Break-Up & Recovery

I can’t stand them. They smell. They annoy me. They dress horribly. They have no manners. So on and so on. When you’re on the verge of breaking up with someone it becomes difficult when you need to figure out what you’re going to say, how your going to do it and even how you’re going to deal after the break-up. No one ever wants to be the one that…

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Weekend Vlogging

What an eventful weekend it’s been! Saturday night was a friends birthday and of course you can’t bring a 7 month old to the lounge so I had my parents babysit for the night. As a thank you to them I made some lasagna– well Ziti, but in the same way you make your lasagna. Here is the vlog as a warm up on me preparing… [youtube][/youtube] Now it was…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

A Hairy Situation

I have this problem… It’s a hairy problem… My hair! What were you thinking? Yes, my hair has become an issue as much as I love my long hair it’s quite a pain. I’ve colored my hair so many times it seems as if it can be beyond repairable. You see the ends are all dead and there’s a bunch of split ends, but I refuse to cut my “luscious”…

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Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 2

*****PARENTAL ADVISORY***** *****PARENTAL ADVISORY***** “If I hurt Travis I would beg for the death penalty…” These words came out of Jodi Arias mouth. Now what I want to know is the state is looking for the death penalty after Jodi has admitted to killing Travis and she’s trying to fight it! The people are trying to give you what you want Jodi, what’s the problem? On Monday we are shown…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Kids Need to be Kids Again

Who knew that when I got older and left my teeny-bopper and high-school years I’d be at that age when I’d say, “What is wrong with these kids today!?” I’m only 26-years-old and I already feel old because I said those words! It’s from the things they say, to how rude they are to how they dress. Back when I was growing up yes I listened to rap and hip-hop…

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Lifestyle/ Ziana

7 Months of Baby Bliss

I just realized I haven’t updated anyone on Ziana’s wonderful life! Last week she finally turned 7 months and has been reaching those milestones or at least trying. On New Years Ziana had so much fun. She thrived for that attention and was kicking and jumping on people’s legs as if she was dancing to the music. It was great to bring in the new year with my daughter. ______________________________________________________________________…

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Long Distance Relationships, For Fools?

Is long distance relationships for fools? I always said no, but then depending on how log the distance is for it may be yes– there’s no definite answer. Every person and relationship is different and many factors come to play when considering such a thing. When me and my boyfriend were in a long distance relationship it was only for about three and a half months before we moved in…

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