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Christmas Traditions

After years I came face-to-face with my old pal Santa yesterday and it was a bit exciting! I mean, I remember him coming to my house every Christmas and eating all the food I left for him on the table with a glass of milk– it was a special day. Now I was bringing baby Z to meet him and make her own memories with him. The day before my…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Elementary School Shooting

**Updates are added as the story develops below the photos ** What possibly could have driven a 20 something-year-old man to kill 20 children at Sandy Hook elementary school and about 7 adults? According to the LA Times the alleged shooter was previously identify as Ryan Lanza the the son of an employee, Nancy Lanza, at the school in Newtown, Connecticut. Once the name was released I went to Facebook…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Nashville Saved My Life…

My new guilty pleasure is watching “Nashville.” If you haven’t started watching Nashville on ABC you are out of your mind! You don’t have to be a country fanatic either. Nashville saved my life– musically. I was never into country except for that country way back when during Leann Rimes and Shania Twain were the reigning queens. Until now I was never a Taylor Swift fan either, yea I liked…

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The Christmas Stress

I just realized that Christmas is 13 days away! I use to be the type who wasn’t into Christmas, hated Christmas music and just hated anything involving good old Saint Nick. This year I’m all into in– minus going broke. The other morning I opened up Spotify and put on some Christmas music and sang. Nope, I didn’t sing the right lyrics just sang my rendition to Ziana and she…

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When Speaking To A Mommy… Beware!

When you have a child it’s easy to go on rants about how great they are, the new sounds they make, all their new moves, smells and whatever other amazing things they’ve accomplished– it’s what mommy’s do. I don’t ever get bored talking about Ziana and I don’t get tired of hearing how my friends children are progressing. However, for a non-mommy or non-parent this can be quite annoying. I…

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Stuff A Bus!

The annual event is back! This Saturday enjoy a family affair for the ‘Stuff-A-Bus’ event at Cannon Ball Park in Brooklyn located at 101 Street and 4th Avenue from 12 PM – 4 PM. Due to Hurricane Sandy having devastated millions of families, many of them whom still don’t have a home, won’t be celebrating Christmas in the same fashion. The ‘Stuff-A-Bus’ event will have Santa making stops along the…

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Blog/ Relationships


With the new phenomenon of Catfish I decided I should weigh in as well. Catfish is a documentary-reality show on MTV following the lives of people in online relationships. The creator Nev Schulman and Max Joseph decided to make a series out of it since their movie, also called Catfish, had been a huge success. If you haven’t watched it yet, you must! The reason for its success is because…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Poetik Designs

As I said yesterday, my weekend was quite eventful. After my night at Katra for the film screenings I made my way uptown for an event the next day. The event I went to was the one I told all you about on Saturday at Astor Row café where Poetik Designs was showcasing his designs. Myself, Ziana and my friend Christina made a special stop to meet owner, Nicklaus. I…

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Katra Film Series

What an eventful weekend! It started off early Saturday morning with my headshot shoot in Cranbury, New Jersey (photos coming soon) and ended with a night at Katra Lounge to watch some films. I was invited by my good friend/artist Genesis Be. All I was told was that Katra Lounge was going to première a film. I was exhausted, yet without hesitation I said I would go. Something told me…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Holiday Event!

The Christmas festivities have begun! Christmas being one of the great holidays you know there are tons of events and parties to attend. Thankfully, for all of you I found a great starter to kick off the holiday. Tomorrow I’ll be attending the Poetik Designs Pop-up Shop featuring neckART by Poetik Designs and graphic apparel lines by Poetik Designs, Twisted Liar and Baby Poets. Pottery and accessories by Ismael Guevedo.…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Covergirl Lipstick, Please!

That’s it I finally found THE perfect lipsticks that are long-lasting! I never really bothered in buying any Covergirl cosmetics, but while I was browsing the makeup aisle I came across some really nice colors. I put a bright pink, plum and a rosey type of colors. They are hard to take off which is good, haha. The plum color which is 335 Embrace is a must have. The color…

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