Looking for a job is very difficult once you’re over the age of about 21. When u was in middle school, high school and college it was so easy to find a job. I never prepped long for an interview I simply charmed them and got the job. Once I got out of college and finished my internship in Maryland I was so not ready for the real world of…
When you have big boobs it can be a gift or a curse. For me, it was a curse! I mean I was the only big-chested girl in 4th grade how would you feel? Due to being “abnormal” I was made fun of. I hated running because they would jiggle and I got looks (sigh). The struggle is real! Not until I got into high-school were they appreciated and envied,…
I hope everyone is having a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! I want to thank all of you who have read my blog and have made it fun for me to write something everyday. I started the blog on July 9th of this year for no reason, but to just write what’s in this little noggin of mine. I hope you all continue to support me and as this grows hopefully we can…
Thanksgiving, probably my favorite holiday. No stress of getting people presents, nobody goes broke, it’s just all about eating until your jeans can’t button while spending time with family and close friends. This is what we know Thanksgiving to be now, not the massacre. Anyways, the traditional foods on Thanksgiving is very different from a Spanish households foods. I remember last year celebrating Thanksgiving at my boyfriends mothers house and…
As many of you may know there was a current scandal regarding the maker of Elmo, Kevin Clash. A man, Sheldon Stephens (24) surfaced just a week ago accusing Clash of having sex with him when he was a minor. Parents were in disbelief, some who automatically believed the accusations and others who wanted to see facts before deciding to continue on supporting Elmo products. Now Clash who is a…
This weekend was filled with running errands which was so boring! First stop was the car dealership to get the car checked out since it always acts funny when we are heading to Pennsylvania. While the car was at the dealership we went to go Bed Bath and Beyond to get a big cooking pot and see if I could pick up some decorations for Ziana’s Thanksgiving shoot, I was…
I think every tourist should know some facts about us New Yorker’s before visiting. I do this to prepare you of what you may see and WILL see. Think of it as your personal guide of the people. 1. You will see rats as big as 4 feet long scouting the streets. Don’t be scared! They’ve become family to our society. You’ll also see them on the rails while waiting…
Right before Hurricane Sandy hit NYC on October 28th the news was running a story of a tragic event that occurred on the Upper West Side on October 25th, the babysitter who killed two young children. A Dominican babysitter by the name of Yoselyn Ortega committed an unthinkable crime against two innocent children, Lucia(5) and Leo(2) Krim. People were stunned and sick at the thought of someone doing this. Just…
If you think you have seen a missing child, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Childrenat 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). DAVINA NICOLE ALCALA (baby), DIANA LAURA ZAMORA CARDENAS (mother) Case Type: Endangered Runaway DOB: Sep 19, 2012 Sex: Female Missing Date: Oct 29, 2012 Race: Hispanic Age Now: 1 Month(s) Height: 2’0″ (61 cm) Missing City: HANFORD Weight: 8 lbs (4 kg) Missing State : CA Hair Color: Black Missing…
Women are crazy and men are the culprit. Yes, its not our fault that we get all crazy and bitchy. If men just listened and agreed with what we said life would be so blissfully simple, haha. Instead they want to fight back and win all battles, big or small. Not only that men tend to change their ways once their relationship is settled. Now don’t get me wrong change…
My daughter is a GENIUS! Everyone thinks their child is the cutest and smartest, haha. In recent weeks Ziana has made small milestones which to a parent if you’re one is exciting! So here’s an update on all her new milestones within the recent weeks. First things first, our little hungry hippo turned 5 months on Friday!! we did a very small shoot and I got a couple good ones.…