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Blog/ Relationships

Nobodies Business

Back in 2009 when we heard that Chris Brown had put his hands and teeth on Rihanna we were shocked to say the least. Who would’ve known that the “meant-to-be” couple would ever be in the news do to a domestic dispute. Everyone was in uproar that Chris would ever physically hit the woman he loves, but what people were more outraged about was when Rihanna and Chris had taken…

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Where Are They Now?

I don’t think I’m the only one who wonders whatever happened to their favorite artists back when they were growing up, I grew up on 90’s and early 2000’s music. I grew up loving the pop-songs of my generation and yes I was a teeny boopper follower. Any popular song I heard you better believe I was in front of my mirror belting out all my “talent.” Anyone remember those…

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Have You Seen Me??

If you think you have seen a missing child, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Childrenat 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). CAITLIN DAELYN CLAY Case Type: Endangered Runaway DOB: Aug 6, 1997 Sex: Female Missing Date: Oct 19, 2011 Race: White Age Now: 15 Height: 5’2″ (157 cm) Missing City: STAYTON Weight: 105 lbs (48 kg) Missing State : OR Hair Color: Sandy Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Blue Case…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Ziana

Ziana Says 2 Vote!

Here was an idea that popped into my head last night; do a shoot for voting day with Ziana. I was obviously unprepared because I don’t have anything in my home representing the great old country I live in. Therefore, I had to brainstorm and see what I could do. I remembered my boyfriend had bought a Ralph Lauren vest with the American flag on the back, BINGO! Without further…

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The Vote

Tomorrow is the big day! Where some say your vote counts and others beg to differ. The men in the ring are Obama and Romney who for months have been throwing punches. Now, will you be looking for another 4 years with our president or be looking for change? I for one am not into politics and won’t really say who I’m voting for. I do make my pros and…

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Have You Seen Me?

Pictures are taken from National Center for Missing and Exploited Children CAROLINE PETERS DOB: Jan 6, 2011 Missing: Apr 16, 2012 Height: 2’8″ (81cm) Eyes: Blue Race: White Age Now: 1 Sex: Female Weight: 25lbs (11kg) Hair: Lt. Brown Missing From: CLARKSVILLE TN United States Caroline was last seen on April 16, 2012. She may be in the company of her father. They are believed to be in the United…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Playboy Party for Kids!

This past weekend I wasn’t the only one dressed up in my Halloween outfit celebrating the best holiday ever! One of the hottest parties this past weekend was the Playboy mansion’s annual party. But the playmates weren’t the ones who made news, Kelsey Grammer and Kayte Grammer were. According to the Daily News parents of the year bought their three-month-old daughter to the sultry party. Kelsey defended his decision by…

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All Hallows’ Eve

… Or Happy Halloween as we all know it to be today. I had totally forgotten where this day derived from so I thought as a ‘treat’ I’d remind you all! History: The Irish and Scottish immigrants actually introduced parts of the tradition to Northern America in the 19th century. Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. The festival was a time to celebrate the…

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Trick and Treats 2012

Halloween! I’m still excited for the eventful day to arrive, even with “Sandy” coming. This past weekend were the Halloween parties for people who aren’t in the industry or can’t attend a party on the real day. We had bought our tickets a month ahead at $10 and that night the tickets went up to $210! Unbelievable, planning ahead is always smart. It was fun! As you see I was…

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$20 Lap Dance Plus Tax

Some things still haven’t changed at the strip club like their being no sex in the champagne room (usually) however, you will be getting taxed in the “champagne room.” Those private dances we well you love so much will cost you 8% more. The New York Court of Appeals ruled in a 4-3 decision that lap dances need to be taxed. The whole case came about when Nite Moves strip…

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