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The Missing Connection and Hormones

Many women when their pregnant always speak about how happy they are and how everything is perfect. Although I think it’s bull because nothing nor no one is perfect, there are a few women who truly are happy about their pregnancy and don’t struggle with the new life changes that are about to come. As for me I was a bit scared and I guess you could say depressed at…

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Have You Seen Me?

Taken from National Center of Missing and Exploited Children. Both siblings and missing since September 23, 2012 from Unionville, TN. Case Number: NCMC1203253 Circumstances: Christopher and Gage were last seen at home on September 23, 2012 at about 6:30 p.m. Both siblings have been missing since September 20, 2012 from Lancaster, CA. Case Number: NCMC1203501 Circumstances: Duchess and Tina were last seen on September 30, 2012 at about 3:30 p.m.…

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It’s Being Frugal, Not Cheap

I’m not cheap, I’m frugal. I never had any money woes. It was instilled in me at a young age to save money. I remember even at the age of 5 giving my birthday money to my mom to save. I held money to the highest regard. I always put away about 90% of any money I got and put the rest in this secret book I made that had…

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Lifestyle/ Parent-hood

Our Pumpkins

We finally carved our pumpkins this weekend! The pumpkins we got from Queens County Farm sucked! They were rotten and it was a lesson learned not to go there again. We all got our own pumpkins and this was my first time carving one all by myself. Before we started to cut our pumpkins I made some ice cream vodka frozen drinks. I got orange-creamsicile or mint chocolate chip ice…

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Babyshower Registry

Baby showers are one of the fun things that happen during pregnancy. You either get to plan your party or have it given to you as a surprise. I had a surprise baby shower and there were a couple incompetent people who didn’t understand the meaning of “SURPRISE.” I knew when my baby shower was and was very upset to say the least, more like pissed off. Regardless, it’s a…

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Blog/ Relationships

I Felt Like My Vagina Died…

“We have sex like Kenyan marathon runners.” This is what starlet Olivia Wilde said about her sex life with Jason Sudeikis in a series of monologues hosted by Glamour Magazine. Now I don’t even know why she would say this. Don’t get me wrong I love talking about sex and have got into every naughty/dirty detail with my girlfriends, but when you’re in a serious relationship no one should know…

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Have You Seen Me?

I have a blog. I write about my family, experiences and anything else that tickles my fancy. So why not try to help others too? I love children especially those in need of help. I have always been an advocate for them when it comes to education, health and most importantly anything dealing with their safety (abuse, kidnapping). I worked in foster care for 4 years and although I didn’t…

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Pumpkin Patch Adventure

Yesterday was Ziana’s first time at the pumpkin patch in Queens County Farm Museum. Since Winter made an early arrival this year I dressed her warmly and had two blankets on her for when it got breezy. I had the bibs, extra onesies, diapers, wipes all in my diaper bag. I was well prepared, so I thought. I went with my family and my friends family. She was by the…

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Blog/ Relationships

Hulk Hogan Gets Busy

Is it just me or does everyone else also google and YouTube a celebrity once their sex tape is out in the public? Yes I am guilty of it! Who doesn’t want to see how celebrities have sex!? Are they just as normal or freaky as us? So when Hulk Hogan’s sex tape surfaced you better believe I went searching! I know, I know, it’s Hulk Hogan who wants to…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Tea Sippin’ My Cold Away

Like I said last night on my Facebook status, “I’m going to die from this runny nose. I’m sure of it.” I hate being sick even more now since I have Ziana and she’s just getting over a cold. I couldn’t even sleep last night so I started cleaning the kitchen so the runny nose would subside- which it did, but just until I got back into bed. To make…

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Road Rage Craze

Since I was 5 my dad taught me how to drive and watching my dad drive I learned too. I loved driving and couldn’t wait to get my own car one day. However, road rage came along with it. I would get mad if a car cut me off even from a distance, if they weren’t going the same speed limit as me, if they were on the wrong lane…

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