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Blog/ Lifestyle

Pumpkins and Parties

Halloween was never really a favorite of mine. I hated dressing up for some reason, but up until a couple years ago I started to kind enjoy it. This year I actually bought a costume and am going to wear every piece of it! One year I wore the Betty Boop costume and only wore the red dress, haha. One thing I love now that I never did as a…

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Lights, Video, ACTION!

Since being a stay-at-home-mom I have more time, which means I’ve dabbled in just about anything I can learn. I started a blog in July, been messing with taking pictures with my Nikon and using Light Room and now I’m trying to learn how to make videos. This past weekend I got Baby Z’s ears pierced and have it all on video. So while she was in tears I was…

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Run for Equality

Equality for the LGBT community is far from close. They are denied many opportunities that straight people have, such as, the right to marry, visit their partner in the hospital, work without getting fired, or even fight for our country. There are countless others that I’m sure many of you and myself don’t know because we are naive to the situation. We don’t know what they go through, we only…

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It’s Spanking Time!

I am so sick and tired of people telling parents how to raise their children. Those people meaning the state/government, even society. Since they want to have such say they should come to someone’s home and raise the child themselves. I remember growing up and getting beat if I disrespected my parents or anyone else, if I stole, if I lied, when the principal would call, and so on. My…

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Blog/ Relationships

The Snuggle Hoe

Has anyone heard of the Snuggler woman? Basically, it’s a woman who provides non-sexual snuggling and cuddling for $60 an hour! My thoughts? BRILLIANT. It’s like a hooker without having sex- thus the snuggle hoe, oh and you get paid, HELLO! I visited her WEBSITE and it has her pricing which ranges from $50-$90. Jackie states that people do become aroused, which is normal and not to be embarrassed, however,…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Shower Care Essentials

What you use in the shower can either ruin your skin or make your shower time annoyingly longer. I can’t stand long showers, so here are my shower essentials that take care of my skin and make it an enjoyable experience. 1. Cetaphil skin restoring body wash. I have eczema and after the birth of Baby Z my hormones were so out of whack that it’s been making a special…

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Levels of Stupidity in Men

“Stupidity is always astounding; no matter how often one encounters it.” – Jean Cocteau The stupidity of men is always surprising. I use to think that they were just purposely being dumb, but I’ve come to find out they are truly oblivious to many things in life. Living with a man you will see this first hand- EVERYDAY. The word idiot and every form of it has become part of…

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Mini-Me or Mini-Him?

Since the day I saw my daughter I was saying they gave me an Asian baby because she had a line as eyes- she looked nothing like me! Now I say she looks as white as her father and not me. Now you can say she has my eyes- the amazing chinky type eyes, but that’s all. Those who have known me since I was young and don’t know what…

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Men Are From Mars & Just Dumb

Men, men, men. I think us women have all gone through that moment where we have said, “what’s wrong with me?” Don’t say you haven’t because you have! Well ladies it isn’t us-usually. Despite our uncontrollable, emotional and dramatic personalities we aren’t always at fault when the MEN mess up. Me and my cousin use to always have crazy stories to tell one another, now it’s just her telling the…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

The Sunrise Shoot

Yay! I got my pictures back from Dominique Dicaprio! Again this was done in Coney Island at 7AM, it was cold, I don’t know if you can tell, haha. This is by far my favorite shoot. I had an amazing time with her and she captured some very natural-commercial photos. Once I figure out how to put her contact information up under my “Credits” tab I will, but for now…

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