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Halloween Costume Shopping

Halloween shopping is hard! Just came from Party City and didn’t find anything cute for myself or Baby Z. I wanted to dress her up as Supergirl, since my dad loves Superman, but all the infant costumes are pink. Superman is RED! Also, looking at the infant costumes a lot won’t cover her up much so I need one that will bundle her up good. We ended up getting one…

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Incestuous Relationships

I thought it was a a non-spoken rule around the world that incest is wrong. I guess not, because people are always doing it. Yes, I know people have been doing it for decades, but some studies had proved that the child could come out with issues, but now that has come to be untrue. Whatever the case may be it’s gross! It doesn’t matter if it’s your second cousin…

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Confessions of a Mom

Cha-Ching 🙂 Please note that these are NOT my confessions. I’ll let you know which ones I’m guilty of. I read these confessions on Baby Center and was mad at just a couple. By the way, Ziana aka Baby Z says “HI!” 1. Baby sleeping on tummy since week one. I’m guilty of this, but she started when she was about 4 weeks old and she could turn her head…

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Poop & More Poop

Came back from running errands and Baby Z decided to leave me a present for when we got home poop! I don’t know what’s going on! I feed her rice cereal on occasion and started on carrots the other day, but mostly milk. So exactly what is she pooping out?? Last week, I decided to take a trip to my boyfriend’s job and waited in the car a bit until…

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Reminder to vote for Baby Z

Don’t forget to vote for Baby Z in the Gerber generation competition. If she win’s her milestone, she gets money for her college tuition! If she ends up winning the whole competition she will get a national ad on top of a college tuition! Can’t go wrong there! Click on this link Vote for Ziana Also vote for my nephew Caleb by clicking Vote for Caleb…

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Post Blog on Virginity [quicktime width=”360″ height=”480″][/quicktime] Ricki Lake is back like I said a few weeks back and last week she had an interesting topic on her show- people who were virgins. There was one woman who was 41 years old and was still a virgin. Is that crazy or what? Ricki isn’t the first person to touch on this subject of people holding off on having premarital sex.…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

7AM Shoot

What is the day to be like when you wake up at 5AM? Exhausting yes, but getting up was no issue! I had a shoot this morning at 7AM and I can find the strength to get up without an issue. Today’s shoot was with Dominique Dicaprio also a model, who has turned to photography as well. 7AM with still no sun we walked up to the pier in Coney…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog/ Lifestyle

Yesterday’s Splurging

As soon as Baby Z woke up at 9AM yesterday- I fed, changed her and was on my way to the mall. I had about two hours to shop until I knew she would become fussy. Yesterday Baby Z and I spent some of daddy’s hard earned money on shopping. It was fun, haha! I just needed some new clothing to fit this new body and I heard Sears had…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Fall Fashion Essentials

Fall fashion! Where to start without being fashion savvy… I really have no idea, haha. Yet, I thought I’d let you all know what needs to be in your closet. I read somewhere that colorful blazers were making an appearance for the fall. I absolutely love blazers and they can go over anything! They can go over body con dresses, jeans and trousers. So, it’s essential to have that in…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Adoption Craze Overseas…

Here’s a topic I’ve always had an issue with, celebrities adopting children from other countries. I am all for helping the less fortunate, but come on, we have children in America who still need homes, yet none of them want to adopt here. It has also been an issue among many people that it was a baby of color. I want to speak on two of my experiences working at…

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