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My Rant

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels disgusted and upset when you hear about a kid shooting a kid. It happens just about everyday a new story and a new kid involved. I’m just about tired of that and tired of a kid having committed suicide due to bullying. What happened to giving the other a wedgie, knocking the kid upside down for loose change or even fist…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Support Me Please!

Having big breasts can be a gift or a curse depending who you are. Since I was in the fourth grade I was the only one who was developed and yes I was made fun of. I hated them back then and hate them now. I went from a size C to a size D during my pregnancy and it doesn’t look like my size will go back down anytime…

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New Flavor 2 Your Ears!

We are always looking for the next big star to take over our ears, well these three ladies I believe are the next great thing! The first artist is Baiyu, not only is she beautiful and talented, but she is also super smart! Who doesn’t want someone they look up to to have brains- Baiyu is a Princeton survivor! You can simply YouTube her name and you’ll get a whole…

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Blog/ Lifestyle

Play Time with the Nikon 3100

I absolutely love taking pictures and the magic that goes behind taking a picture. The photographers I have worked with are amazing (check my credits tab)! It takes time to learn how to use a camera and perfect your pictures through light room, Photoshop or simply how to work with natural light. Since a young age I loved taking pictures and was always the annoying one in the family to…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Foam-tastic dye!!

We all know that coloring your hair isn’t good for you, unless there’s a brand that i don’t know about that won’t dry and damage your hair. I use to be a blonde so the damage is already done, so in order to minimize the number of times I had to color my hair I decided to go back to my natural color, yucky brown. Walgreens or John Frieda sent…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Nail Polish Heaven with Essie!

Yesterday I went shopping and bought a few shades of nail polish from Essie. These are the two I bought: And this is my Essie collection: I absolutely love nail polish and was wondering what the new fall and winter shades would be this year for 2012. According to Essie this is the fall 2012 collection: There’s also a rumor going around that Essie is coming out with tv sitcom…

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Routine Realtionships…

Earlier today, I was wondering what I would write about in today’s blog, I jotted down ideas, but didn’t want to discuss those topics yet. I decided to call up my friend and discuss any new updates on our lives. We started speaking about our relationships with our other half and he said “he’s getting bored.” I stated that it was normal and after awhile being in relationship for so…

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