
Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 9


“I don’t know…”
“I don’t remember…”

This is what comes out of Jodi Arias’ mouth every time she answers a question, it’s rather annoying. I wasn’t able to see or hear the whole trial today, but caught pieces here and there. Also HLN recapped me on a ton of what I missed, so here I am recapping it for you.

Jodi admitted to Martinez that she took the rope, gun and knife after killing Travis. Finally something she remembers, but I thought she was in a fog that she couldn’t remember anything during and after she killed Travis. This girl doesn’t even know what she tells people it’s hard for her to keep her lies straight.

Another thing Jodi admitted to was that she was the one who insisted taking photos of Travis in the shower trying to portray Calvin Klein photos she’s seen. This was not Travis’ idea who is supposedly a sexual deviant, hmm! Then she admits to putting the camera in the washer– well actually after stating “yes” she includes, “well it’s logical.” Logical that it was her and not Travis because he was dead upstairs.

What we hear next is that infamous voicemail Jodi left Travis two days after killing him. Very normalized tone and conversation and adding a whole bunch of “ummm’s” too. Right after the voicemail Martinez has Jodi read an email she sent Travis three days after she killed him. This is the best I could get for you all:


A woman who knows this man is dead is writing him an email hoping he isn’t mad at her and that Travis will be visiting her soon– yay! This is sure evidence of her trying to hide any traces that may lead to her. Jodi tried so hard to cover up her guilt and the evidence she ended up hurting herself in the end.

Here comes a great piece of evidence that Martinez questions Jodi with– the gun shell that was found laying on top of dried up blood:

Jodi responds by saying, “the shell didn’t fall on top of the blood…” I thought you don’t remember or better yet said you’re in a “fog” of what happened. That’s a pretty huge piece of evidence for you to remember whether or not the bullet was originally there.

While I was watching Nancy Grace they spoke about how Jodi had said before Travis had got in the shower they were laying together in bed when he suddenly got up to shave. Nothing wrong with that right? Well how is it he was going to shave, yet in the photos you took he clearly has the stubble still on his face? Have we caught Jodi in another lie?


During one point Jodi puts into effect her crocodile tears. Martinez asks, “are you crying? Were you crying when you shot him? When you stabbed him? What about when you cut his throat?” That was the perfect jab and a definite plus for the prosecution. Jodi doesn’t ever cry for what she did its once again tears of sorrow for herself.

Now I may be making an exaggerated observation here, but did anyone notice her right and left ring finger when she was crying!? Both ring fingers are bent the way the left ring finger was “broken” by Travis according to Jodi.




Just incase you hear it anywhere else just remember you read it here first!

Something else that was mentioned which I had heard before, but didn’t really care was that Jodi is in a lesbian relationship with a 40-something-year-old woman in the prison. Okay, who cares! However, what was mentioned by HLN today and according to the National Enquirer is that Jodi is so convinced she won’t be convicted of first degree murder that she has planned to conceive a child with the help of a donor, Bryan Carr. I’ve never seen someone so oblivious to a crime they committed. Bryan is a man who met Jodi through Facebook prior to her arrest. You can read more on the link I provided for you.

Prosecution rests and starting Monday (3/4/13) defense will try to rehabilitate Jodi’s tainted image. Do you think they will succeed?

For those not familiar with the case from the beginning read my other posts:
Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 2

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 3

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 4

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 5

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 6

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 7

Femme Fatale: Jodi Arias Part 8

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