Pink and lace a few of my favorite year round staples. You all know by now our obsession with Target, especially Target clothing for my little mini-me. Every week, yes EVERY WEEK, when we make our trip to Target it’s a must that we snoop around the toddler section to see what’s new and just about every visit I have to pick one piece for her. Last month I locked eyes with this beautiful blush pink lace dress, just the perfect boho chic fall outfit for Ziana. Now for many blush pink doesn’t do them justice, it sometimes can flush out your skin and look ghostly, but thankfully the color looked gorgeous on her it was a must buy NOW purchase.
We’ve had great weather this week in NYC– the sun has been out to give just the perfect amount of heat with the exact amount of chill to not make you freeze. I decided to bring out that lace dress, pair it with a jean jacket and since I’ve been in love with the dresses and boots craze I decided to go for that as well. If you’re loving the pink lace dress click here to get your own! Outfit from head to toe is all Target!
What’s your favorite obsession this fall?
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