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Unplug (Short Film)

So the short film I was in back in April is finally up to watch (Unplug Short Film Post)! I was truly fortunate to be given the opportunity to work with director/producer Edward Charette. I had never worked with him so he didn’t know what kind of person/actor I was. I could’ve been a late, obnoxious, no-show kind of gal, which I’m not and didn’t do any of that, but…

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Unplug (Short Film)

What an eventful way to start the week by acting in a short film in the beautiful New York City. As you may know I’m in the midst of building up my acting resume to get my reel together and submit to more projects. Although it was a bit cold it didn’t bother me or the other actors much since we had a blast filming with producer Edward Charette of…

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