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Blog/ Parent-hood

Potty Training Again…

This conversation is sponsored by Pampers at Sam’s Club. Opinions are my own. That’s right, potty training a boy again! You may remember a few months ago where I attempted to potty train Gunner, my second born. You may also remember how miserably I failed. Oh, you missed all the fun? Watch it here. So, after my failed attempts I gave it a break, but I’m ready to try again.…

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Confessions of a Mom

Cha-Ching 🙂 Please note that these are NOT my confessions. I’ll let you know which ones I’m guilty of. I read these confessions on Baby Center and was mad at just a couple. By the way, Ziana aka Baby Z says “HI!” 1. Baby sleeping on tummy since week one. I’m guilty of this, but she started when she was about 4 weeks old and she could turn her head…

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You Know You’re A Mom When…

————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1. You learn to eat with your left hand. 2. Your feet become hands. 3. Sex has to go on the “To Do” list or you’ll forget. 4. It’s an obstacle course trying to move around to avoid squeaky floors. 5. You only wear clothes that can get dirty. If you wear your good clothes you are brave! 6. You can do anything with just one hand. 7. Going…

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Spit Up, Fart, Poop

I really do think Baby Z enjoys throwing up and pooping! Since the day of her birth it’s been constant spit up, it even stopped for a few days and I thought I was out of the clear. Of course I was wrong or I wouldn’t be talking about it. Then if she’s not spitting up her meal I prepared for her, she’s farting away and pooping! Who knew they…

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