
Unplug (Short Film)


So the short film I was in back in April is finally up to watch (Unplug Short Film Post)! I was truly fortunate to be given the opportunity to work with director/producer Edward Charette. I had never worked with him so he didn’t know what kind of person/actor I was. I could’ve been a late, obnoxious, no-show kind of gal, which I’m not and didn’t do any of that, but Edward took a chance on me. And for that I will always be thankful.

Is my part huge? No, but this was a definitely a stepping stone for bigger things (fingers crossed) and I never take advantage of the chances I’m given.

The short film is about how we interact now vs. the interaction among people years ago. It’s something I’m always speaking about and I’ve mentioned it in past posts.

So without further a do I bring to you “Unplug.”


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